You’re in the right place!
Because I have a solution for you, taking you from tired and exhausted to energised and motivated.
I offer an individualised approach to uncover the drivers behind your fatigue. Because you need to discover what’s holding you back from feeling energised and vibrant in your everyday life.

To get to the bottom of what’s behind your fatigue, I’ll be digging deep in all areas of you and your life.
Because, it’s never simply just one thing.
Depending on you, there's a combination of factors below that are driving your fatigue. But, once we know the drivers, we can develop a personalised plan for your recovery.
There’s no cookie-cutter approach here. Because you are unique.
These are the phases we will move through together:
Phase 1 – Discover
I listen, question and dig deep to get to know you. Your story means a lot to me and I want to know what’s been going on for you and exactly how you’re feeling. There’s never too much sharing when it comes to your health. I want to understand the impact fatigue is having on you, those around you and your work. We’ll explore the symptoms you’re experiencing, your worries and concerns, plus the flow on effect of what it's like to live with fatigue.
Conversations and questions tell me a lot about what’s going on for you, but sometimes I need to dig a little deeper with pathology and questionnaires. I really want to know what’s driving your fatigue, so that together we can pinpoint exactly what needs to be addressed.
Phase 2 – Recover
Now that we know what’s going on, I can formulate your personalised treatment plan using supplements, herbal medicine, lifestyle changes and other support to help you get back on track, to feel vibrant and energised so that you can create the change you’re wanting.
Change is often hard. I get that. But I will support you every inch of the way until you feel energised and motivated.
Phase 3 – Maintain
Now that you’re on track to feeling motivated and full of vigour, you won’t be cast aside alone in the wilderness because I want you to stay feeling that way.
I’m committed to staying in touch, for check-ins and support. You’ll receive regular tips and motivation via email and newsletters. And, of course, I’m always here for you if you experience a speed bump. Because, life happens, and it’s knowing how to get back on course that’s important.