The Journal

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A practical tool for emotional healing and getting your life back on track.

When living with stress for long periods of time, we can be completely unaware of the unravelling of our resilience until it is too late.

The format of the Rebuild Your Life Journal began to take shape when I was reflecting on the steps I had taken to get myself up and going again after some major unexpected life changes.  I was looking back over the time I had been back in Canberra, and it became clear just how far I had come.  I could see how the slow and deliberate but positive steps I had taken during that time had made the difference to my physical and emotional health.

That was when I knew it was important to share those steps with you. The Rebuild Your Life Journal is just what you need right now and will soon become your daily reset button.

Whether you are experiencing:

  • a relationship breakdown
  • grief from losing someone close
  • the effects of an abusive relationship
  • being bullied
  • a cancer diagnosis
  • the loss of your job
  • a long term health condition
  • anxiety or overwhelm
  • depression
  • stress
  • chronic pain
  • the loss of a pet
  • healing after an accident or trauma
  • or perhaps you want to create a change in your life

These simple daily steps will help you to build up your resilience and you’ll begin to move forward again.

I encourage you to use the Journal every day because it’s the routine that will ultimately help you to Rebuild Your Life.  But don’t worry if you miss a day or more, simply pick up where you left off.

You can do this!

By having a copy of the Journal, you have taken the first step towards regaining your self.

You can do this!

Get Your Copy Now