Tired of being tired? 7 underlying causes of lingering fatigue

Have you been tired for so long that you think it’s normal?

There are many legitimate reasons for being tired.  But, when your tiredness progresses to ongoing fatigue, now that’s a problem.

Don’t take significant fatigue for granted as a part of getting older, or having children, or being busy.  Of course, there are moments in our lives where factors beyond control contribute to tiredness.  But, we move on and rebuild.

Don’t let fatigue rule your life

Many factors drive fatigue and finding what’s behind your fatigue is the first step to regaining energy.  So, try these simple steps to get back on your feet.

7 Underlying Causes of Lingering Fatigue

  1. Stress – switches us into the “go” or “flight” response when we need it. Unfortunately, with busy lives, the “stop flight” switch does not get activated and we find ourselves in a constant stage of stress.   Things go wrong in your body when the “stop” mechanism fails, leading to burn out and often anxiety, but mostly it brings on exhaustion.
  2. Poor Diet/Nutrient Deficiency – without giving your body the ingredients to operate effectively, your body cannot possibly function at its best.   You soon become nutrient deficient at a cellular level.   This is often a good starting point in fatigue management.  The Metabolic Balance Program is perfect for sorting our nutritional balances.
  3. Low Iron/B12 – low iron can result in a decreased transport of oxygen through the body leading to feeling lethargic and slow.  A B12 deficiency can cause fatigue as well.  A blood test can help here.
  4. Inflammation – if you are fighting infection or have any sort of chronic inflammation issues, your energy levels will be low as your body is constantly working to combat this.
  5. Low Thyroid Hormones – thyroid hormones play an important role in the regulation of your metabolism.  If your thyroid function is low, your whole body will slow down, including your energy production.  A blood test can let you know if your thyroid is suboptimal.
  6. Poor Digestion and Liver Function – on a daily basis, our body processes a huge amount of substances  through our digestive tract.  When digestion and liver function is sluggish, toxins build up in the body.  Fatigue is a common end result of an increased toxic load.
  7. Body Composition – High Fat and Low Muscle Mass – fat does not just sit on the body and cause you to feel uncomfortable and your clothes to feel tight.  Fat cells have the ability to create chemicals that can interfere with your ability to create and maintain energy.  The Metabolic Balance Program works at rebooting your metabolism for a healthy weight.

Boost your batteries

How energetic we feel depends on how much energy we can produce in the “batteries” inside our cells called mitochondria.  Mitochondria work in response to demand, eg- when we exercise and place energy demands on the cell, the cell responds by increasing its capacity to supply energy.   That is why exercise makes us more energetic.

A healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and avoiding calorie rich/nutrient poor foods is essential for maintaining good energy production.

Feed Your Cells

Don’t wait to see if your fatigue will magically disappear.

Luckily there are herbs that can give us a helping hand to improve energy production.    Eating well and good quality sleep also help.  And, don’t forget about the nutrients your mitochondria need to function efficiently such as L-carnitine, CoQ10, Omega oil, iron, B12, B vitamins and magnesium.

Everyone has their own unique combination of drivers that are causing their exhaustion.

So, if you’re tired of being tired, I can help.

  1. Book in for an appointment  (in Clinic, Zoom or over the phone) to really drill down on what’s draining you and how to get going again – Click here
  2. Lose weight and reboot your metabolism for a real energy boost.  Find out how – Click here
  3. Grab a copy of my Rebuild Your Life Journal for 5 simple daily journal prompts to ground you and get those habits and routines important for focus and energy – it’s your daily reset button – Click here
  4. Stay in touch by subscribing to my Newsletter for regular health tips and recipes – Click here

With your health in mind,

Catherine x

If you're looking for more energy, better mood, and motivation to reboot your health, I'll show you how. I love working with motivated women like you, women struggling with fatigue, moods, hormones and staying on track with everything that makes us women. I listen, investigate and then work with you step-by-step to get your energy and health back on track so you can be busy, focused and energetic. As a Naturopath, Herbalist, Certified Consistent Habits Coach and Clinical Aromatherapist I can help you to Reboot Your Energy and Rebuild Your Life.


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