Are toxins blocking your weight loss progress? We’ve all been there. You’re following your healthy eating plan, staying active and moving every day, yet the scales refuse to budge. If you’ve hit a weight loss plateau and can’t figure out why, toxins might be the culprit. It’s impossible to know ..Continue Reading
Everyone needs a Christmas Survival Kit! I remember as a kid looking forward to Christmas with such anticipation and excitement. Do you remember how you just couldn’t wait for the big day? School holidays, visiting relatives, Santa, parties, presents! One thing I wasn’t aware of back then was how stressful ..Continue Reading
If you’ve ever embarked on a weight loss journey and hit a weight loss plateau, it could be a set point issue. Scenario: you’ve been losing weight consistently, and then, for no obvious reason, it all stalls. The scales stubbornly refuse to budge. You’re doing all the right things, but ..Continue Reading
Hormones are often blamed for the changes we see in peri-menopause, for everything from fatigue, weight gain, sleep disturbances, mood changes and brain fog, plus a whole lot more annoying and challenging symptoms. And, yes, they do play a significant role in those changes. But are hormones entirely to blame? ..Continue Reading
You know that uncomfortable digestive discomfort about an hour after you’ve eaten a meal and then wished you hadn’t? Maybe it feels like the food is just sitting, not going anywhere, or there’s bloating, pain, indigestion, that awful sense of needing to know where the bathroom is, or,,,,,,wind! A lot ..Continue Reading
You don’t see many homemade 100% rye bread loafs around, mostly because rye bread is denser and heavier than bread we’re used to enjoying. Rye bread has a distinct flavour. It has an earthy and nutty taste, and is quite dense giving it a satisfying chewiness so you don’t overeat. ..Continue Reading
For nearly two decades, women have sat with me in clinic seeking support for a whole range of health concerns. But, one common issue has been fatigue. A fatigue that doesn’t go away despite trying what seems like everything. Energy has a constantly changing level in everyday life. It’s just ..Continue Reading
Is there a habit timeline? I mean, how long does it take to create a habit that’s so ingrained you no longer need to think about it? How long until it’s easy? I’ve seen the numbers floating around: 21 days, 28 days, 66 days, all the way up to 254 ..Continue Reading
Consistent daily habits are the best way to learn any new skill. Recently I had an urge to learn to juggle balls. No, I’m not running away with the circus. But, I’ve always been fascinated with watching three or more balls, plates, fire sticks, whatever…. rotate effortlessly through the air ..Continue Reading
Tired? It could be your thyroid, sneakily derailing your energy without you knowing. Thyroids can be sneaky, causing problems with your health behind the scenes. I’ve seen this a lot in women, especially around peri-menopause and beyond. Could your thyroid be the reason behind your constant tiredness and other persistent ..Continue Reading