Weight Loss Plateau: Shifting Your Body’s Set Point

If you’ve ever embarked on a weight loss journey and hit a weight loss plateau, it could be a set point issue.

Scenario:  you’ve been losing weight consistently, and then, for no obvious reason, it all stalls.   The scales stubbornly refuse to budge.  You’re doing all the right things, but your body seems to have other ideas.

This could be due to something called your weight loss set point.

What is a Weight Loss Set Point?

Your body has a natural weight range it likes to maintain – often called a “set point.” Think of it like a thermostat, but instead of adjusting temperature, it controls your fat stores through something called a lipostat.  Once your body has maintained a certain weight for a while, it becomes comfortable at that range, even if it’s not where you want to be.  It starts working behind the scenes to hold onto that weight through mechanisms like regulating your metabolism, hunger, and fat storage.

This system gets particularly stubborn if you’ve lost more than 10% of your body weight.  It’s then your body can kick in with fat saving adaptations that make further weight loss more difficult.  And, if you’ve experienced the dreaded cycle of losing and regaining weight over time (yo-yo dieting), your set point might become even more resistant to change.

How Can You Reset Your Set Point?

Resetting your body’s set point takes time and consistency.  While it’s not always easy, long-term changes in lifestyle can gradually shift your body to a healthier weight range.  The key here is sustainable habits that focus on healthy eating, movement, sleep, and stress management, plus, if you’re working with me through the Metabolic Balance Program, you’re already a long way ahead of the game.  The Metabolic Balance Program approach gradually helps reset your set point to a healthier weight set point through balanced nutrition tailored specifically to you.

If you’re not already on the Metabolic Balance Program, here’s what can you do to help your body reset that set point,

1. Make Adjustments to Portion Sizes

Portion control is a game changer, but it doesn’t have to mean restriction and hunger.  Instead of focusing on calories, aim to eat according to your hunger and energy needs.  This can be achieved by listening to your body’s cues and stop eating at 80% of satiety.  This can take some practice, but by tuning in to your satiety feeling, you’ll get used to that feeling and be able to step away in time.

2. Balance Your Plate

Use the right balance of proteins, healthy fats, and nutrient-dense carbohydrates.  With time, your body will start to adjust and respond differently to these more balanced portions.  Download a guide here.

3. Change Up Your Exercise Routine

If you’ve been doing the same exercises for a while, it might be time to switch things up.  Your body can adapt to the same movements, which means you’ll stop seeing progress.  For example, incorporate more strength training to build muscle (which boosts your metabolism), and add different types of cardio to keep your body guessing.  The more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate, which can help break through that plateau.   And if you’ve never exercised before, start today with small, do-able movements because every little bit helps.

4. Consistency is Key

Consistency really is your secret weapon when it comes to resetting your set point.  Regular mealtimes, sticking to a balanced nutrition plan like the Metabolic Balance Program, and moving your body on most days will create patterns that your body learns to follow.  Over time, these changes help your body settle into a new, healthier set point.

5. Focus on Hydration

Don’t overlook the power of staying hydrated.  Water helps regulate your metabolism and even keeps your hunger cues in check.  Often, what we interpret as hunger is actually thirst.  Keep a water bottle handy and aim for at least 2 liters a day, or more if you’re exercising regularly.

6. Rest, Recover, and Manage Stress

Getting a good night’s sleep and stress management are often the missing pieces in a weight loss journey.  Sleep deprivation impacts the hormones that control hunger and fullness (ghrelin and leptin), leading to increased cravings and overeating.  Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night, and find ways to de-stress, whether it’s through yoga, meditation, or a simple walk outside.

7. Research-Backed Methods for Breaking Through the Plateau

For those who enjoy more structure, intermittent fasting or time restricted eating has been shown in studies to help reset metabolism and lower your set point.  Another research-backed method is increasing protein intake, as protein has been proven to support muscle maintenance and increase the amount of energy your body burns just by digesting food.

Additionally, remember to incorporate more non-exercise movement throughout your day.  This is called NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), which is just a fancy way of saying that everyday activities like walking, gardening, or even fidgeting can help burn more calories.

Finally, by focusing on improving leptin sensitivity (the hormone that signals fullness) you can help reset your set point.  Avoiding processed foods, incorporating fiber and more whole foods in your diet and getting quality sleep all help improve your body’s responsiveness to leptin.

The Takeaway: Better Health Doesn’t Have to Be So Hard

Your body’s set point might feel like an invisible barrier to your weight loss success, but with time, consistency, and the right strategies, you can influence it.  The Metabolic Balance Program is designed to gradually lower your set point by rebalancing your nutrition and making long-term lifestyle changes.

So if you’ve hit a plateau, don’t be discouraged. Focus on these simple, sustainable changes, and watch your body respond.

Catherine x

Better health is possible, and it doesn’t have to be so hard!

Here’s ways I can help you reset your set point so you can achieve your health goals:

  1. Book in for a consultation (in Clinic, Zoom or over the phone) to really drill down on what’s stalling your weight loss – Click here
  2. Eating the right foods for your body and reboot your metabolism with the Metabolic Balance Program – Click here
  3. Not sure what you need?  Book in for a 20 minute FREE connection call chat with me – Click here
  4. Sign up for my Newsletter for regular health tips – Click here

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  1. […] Or, learn about Shifting Your Body’s Set Point […]

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