6 Tips to reduce bloating

Oh, that bloated feeling.  If you know it, you know it!

But, how do you reduce bloating?

Bloating in the lower, upper or all over your stomach can be painful and uncomfortable.  Mostly, this happens a little while after eating, often lasting for hours or sometimes longer.

It’s very unpleasant.  It drains your energy and makes you feel like curling up in a ball.

Bloating can happen for several reasons, some of which need to be investigated thoroughly.  But, often it’s simply because you’re not digesting food well.  It sits in your stomach for too long and passes through into the small intestine not digested well enough for your body to process it.

Good digestion means less bloat, more energy and comfortable clothing!

Yes please!

Eating well and digesting efficiently can be challenging.  However, a little thought before digging in can make your tummy so much more comfortable.

6 tips to reduce bloating and increase energy:

Add bitter foods to salads

Use apple cider vinegar in dressings, lemon juice, rocket, radicchio or other bitter leaves, sauerkraut, or pickles in salads, anything that will give you that mouth watering saliva response.  Because this prepares the stomach for food and triggers stomach acid production and more enzymes to break down food.  Stomach acid also creates the correct acidic pH needed to trigger bile release and efficient digestion

Don’t skip on fibre

It’s easy to get distracted by a good cheese board at social gatherings, but make sure you mix the heavy proteins up with fibre.  Try mixing cheese with fruit or vegetables such as raw celery, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower, capsicum or cucumber.  They’ll keep things moving on through (if you know what I mean).  Also, high fibre foods bind to toxins for elimination from the bowel.  By doing this, you’ll help prevent toxins from being reabsorbed into circulation from the small intestine where bile deposits them.

Don’t overeat

Make it a challenge to leave something on your plate.  Smaller portions are easier to digest giving your digestive system time to complete the process before the next onslaught.  At a buffet, try adding 1/2 spoonfuls to your plate so that when you get to the end of the line your plate is not overflowing.  Remember, it takes around 20 minutes for the “I’m full” signal to reach your brain, so stop eating in plenty of time.

Balance your plate

I don’t mean spinning your plate on top of a stick!  Did you know, the Mediterranean way of eating wins hands down for long term health benefits?  Make sure all your meals have a balance of proteins, healthy fats and vegetables.

Give your gut a break! 

Don’t snack between meals.  You need 4-5 hours between meals to allow your digestive system to rest and for the small intestine to undergo detox processes which helps to clear toxins.

Eat mindfully and enjoy your food

Eating slowly and in a stress-free setting means your parasympathetic nervous system kicks in for better digestion.

When it comes to a happy gut, prevention is far easier than a cure. 

Above all, enjoy yourself and food at all occasions and if you remember to incorporate even a few of the above tips, your tummy will feel so much better.

Here’s how I can help sort out your digestive issues:

  1. Book in for an appointment  (in Clinic, Zoom or over the phone) to really drill down on what’s behind your uncomfortable gut and learn how to get going again – Click here
  2. Eat the exact foods for your body and reboot your metabolism for better digestion.  Find out how – Click here
  3. Grab a copy of my Rebuild Your Life Journal for 5 simple daily journal prompts to ground you and get those habits and routines important for focus and energy – it’s your daily reset button – Click here
  4. Follow me for fabulous food ideas for healthy digestion – Click here

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With your health in mind,

Catherine x

If you're looking for more energy, better mood, and motivation to reboot your health, I'll show you how. I love working with motivated women like you, women struggling with fatigue, moods, hormones and staying on track with everything that makes us women. I listen, investigate and then work with you step-by-step to get your energy and health back on track so you can be busy, focused and energetic. As a Naturopath, Herbalist, Certified Consistent Habits Coach and Clinical Aromatherapist I can help you to Reboot Your Energy and Rebuild Your Life.

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