Your Christmas Survival Kit

Everyone needs a Christmas Survival Kit!

I remember as a kid looking forward to Christmas with such anticipation and excitement.

Do you remember how you just couldn’t wait for the big day?

School holidays, visiting relatives, Santa, parties, presents!

One thing I wasn’t aware of back then was how stressful December and the festive season madness could be.

Hey, I was a kid!

Now that I’m all grown up with my own family, the impending end of year pressures are beginning to loom.  Good intentions, willpower and routines can go to hell in a handbag.

December can mean soaring stress levels as time gets shorter, shopping lists get longer, kids’ school activities call, and there’s parties and invitations to fill up your spare time.

Stats show that more heart attacks occur from November to the New Year.  No wonder.

So, let’s look at how you can get through to January with your health and sense of humour intact.

5 tips for your Christmas Survival Kit: 

Tip 1 – Get organised

I’m a big fan of the To-Do-List, just so long as the list itself doesn’t get out of control.  Hello overwhelm!  Keep your list short – 1-3 tasks a day is plenty.

Make a list of:

  • Christmas gifts – it makes you more focussed and will lessen your shopping time.  Or, why not gift the perfect present with a homemade bite of something delicious – Ginger Nut Bites or Chocolate Bites
  • House cleaning – you don’t need to do a complete spring clean if visitors are coming.  Start with the guest room and work from there
  • Parties – put all events, parties and occasions in a calendar that’s visible – like your phone or on a good old fashioned physical calendar.  Keep it where everyone can see what’s coming up
  • Food – if you’re preparing food, for goodness sake, make a shopping list.  It’ll save you so much time and anxiety for remembering everything.  Then make a step by step plan of when and what you are going to cook.  Cook ahead and freeze as much as you can.

By crossing things off your list, you get a sense of satisfaction which keeps you moving forward.

Tip 2 – Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s easy to get caught up in the details and lose track of the meaning behind Christmas – it’s all about spending time with people you love (and holidays of course). Worrying over whether you’ve picked the exact right gift for someone will drain your valuable energy, and honestly, they won’t care. Let that go – it’s not important.

As you hustle through this holiday season (and, the end is in sight) remember this quote:

“Your presence is the greatest present you can give someone.”

Tip 3 – Support your body

Now’s the time to take those supplements hiding in the back of the cupboard.   Or, stock up now on:

  • B Vitamins
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Magnesium,
  • Fish oil
  • Probiotics and
  • liver support (like St Mary’s Thistle/Milk Thistle)
  • digestive enzymes (see below)

These will help you to get through the party season and beyond in much better shape.

Tip 4 – Choose party foods carefully

It’s so tempting to overeat at this time of year, especially when catching up with friends:

  • make wise food and snack choices that don’t mess with your digestion
  • don’t stand near the food bar to chat with people –  you’ll be more likely to reach unconsciously for food.  Move away
  • take a digestive enzyme over the party season to make sure food is broken down well – nobody likes the bloating and gas that comes from overindulgence 🙂

Tip 5 – Stay hydrated

Keep your water intake up and alternate your alcoholic drinks with a glass of water when having fun.   Alcohol will dehydrate you as the body needs water to break down the alcohol and your body will draw it out of body tissues if there isn’t enough on board.  Ever wonder why you you’re so dry after a big night?

But, most importantly, Christmas is a time for relaxation, family, holidays and fun.

Enjoy the festive season!

With you health in mind,

Catherine x

If you’re struggling with overwhelm and feeling stressed, here’s how I can help:

  1. Book in for an appointment  (in Clinic, Zoom or over the phone) to really drill down on what’s behind your overwhelm and draining you, and learn how to get going again – Click here
  2. Lose weight and reboot your metabolism for a real energy boost.  Find out how – Click here
  3. Grab a copy of my Rebuild Your Life Journal for 5 simple daily journal prompts to ground you and get those habits and routines important for focus and energy – it’s your daily reset button – Click here

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If you're looking for more energy, better mood, and motivation to reboot your health, I'll show you how. I love working with motivated women like you, women struggling with fatigue, moods, hormones and staying on track with everything that makes us women. I listen, investigate and then work with you step-by-step to get your energy and health back on track so you can be busy, focused and energetic. As a Naturopath, Herbalist, Certified Consistent Habits Coach and Clinical Aromatherapist I can help you to Reboot Your Energy and Rebuild Your Life.

One comment

  1. Judy Meredith says:

    Hope you have a Very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year..
    Thank you for a very informative newsletter

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