7 Things Not to do in the New Year

7 Things Not to do in the New Year

Why does December roll around long before we’re ready?  It seems like yesterday we were setting our good intentions for 2014.  Where did the year go? How would you like to “stress proof” your health leading up to the Big Day and land on 1 January with energy, vitality and ..Continue Reading

8 Reasons Behind Overwhelm and How to Get Going Again

8 Reasons Behind Overwhelm and How to Get Going Again

I used to think that being overwhelmed was just a normal feeling from doing too much with not enough time to get it all done. Something that would go away as I worked through endless “to-do lists”. Now, I realise that overwhelm is not a natural or healthy state – ..Continue Reading

So You Want to Get Healthy, but……

So You Want to Get Healthy, but……

…. it just never seems to happen. You may have a goal to change your diet, join the gym, exercise regularly, lose weight, meditate, do that yoga or pilates class, or simply look after yourself better.   Whatever your thing, self-sabotage rears its head again, just like the other 47 ..Continue Reading

Tired and cranky?  It could be something you’re eating……..

Tired and cranky? It could be something you’re eating……..

Sometimes your body has to shout at you to be heard. Being a very busy person, I juggle a multitude of tasks each day, but lately I have been feeling particularly tired and not my usual superwoman self. I had been falling in to the trap of eating the wrong ..Continue Reading

Lavender – A Most Versatile Essential Oil

Lavender – A Most Versatile Essential Oil

A recent study in Japan in Aged Care Facilities has shown that elderly people wearing lavender patches had less incidences of falling over and agitation than those in the placebo group.     Great news for our elderly! But, what else is Lavender great for? Here are some other ways ..Continue Reading