4 Common Health Conditions Driven by Stress

We all experience stress at times.

In fact, life is full of low-grade daily stress. But, it’s when stress mounts up, or is compounded by an unexpected event, that we get tipped over the edge.

Then, your health can suffer.

When you’ve been under stress for some time, your coping mechanisms are compromised.  Resilience fails.  Your body begins to be affected.

Stress can be behind some of the most common medical conditions

In 2014 I had my first ever bout of shingles.   It was so painful and debilitating.  However, it did make me realise just how much stress I was under and just how much the continuing exposure to stress at that stage in my life was causing dysfunction in my body.

Dealing with the immediate symptoms of an illness is always important.   But dealing with the driver behind the illness is even more important for regaining your health, energy and vitality and to prevent further complications or chronic suffering of the condition.

4 Common health conditions that can be driven by stress are:

1.  Viral Infections – who hasn’t had a cold or flu, especially in the winter.  But, it’s when the virus turns bacterial, that things turn nasty. Ongoing exposure to stress causes the inhibition of your T-helper cells – the ones whose job it is to fight viral and bacterial invasion, making recovery difficult.

2.  Shingles – shingles is the varicella zoster virus (the same virus as chickenpox) that lays dormant in your nerve cells after exposure to chicken pox.  It’s more prevalent in the over 50s, because back then chickenpox was a common childhood illness and most of the baby-boomers were exposed.  When you’re exposed to stress for a long time, the virus becomes activated.  It’s similar to the the cold sore virus (herpes simplex) which also lays dormant waiting for your body to become depleted by stress and you will experience a flare up.

3.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome – abdominal pain, bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhoea – these symptoms (and more) are covered under the heading of IBS.   The body’s autonomic nervous system is divided into two categories -“fight/flight” and “rest/digest”.  Unfortunately, only one of these systems can dominate at one time.  So, when you are in “fight/flight” mode (under stress), your “rest/digest” system takes a back seat.  When stressed over a period of time, you will have compromised digestive function leading to those unpleasant symptoms.

4. Debilitating Fatigue – the ultimate end result of not dealing with your stress.   I see a lot of patients with varying degrees of fatigue.   Mostly, this is the end result of your body’s stress response becoming exhausted.  Then you’re exhausted!  Read about The Fatigue Solution here.

Chronic stress leads to ill health

 Bite Sized Actions:

  • Listen to your body – don’t “soldier on”.   When you’re sick, take the time to rest, to nurture your body.
  • Eat whole foods – what you put in your body has a direct effect on your health.  Nourish your body well.
  • Use relaxation techniques – such as breathing, mindfulness practices, have a massage or a facial, take a bath.  Get professional advice and support when needed.
  • Take herbs – your body responds beautifully to herbs that support your adrenals, nervous system, digestion and immune function.
  • Boost your nutrient intake – when you’re sick, your body uses up nutrients more than at other times.   Seek advice and take supplements if needed.

Don’t let stress creep up and cause your body to fall into ill-health.  Treat stress as a preventative part of your health and lifestyle practice.

I can help with stress management and building resilience for better health.  Here’s how:

  1. Book in for a consultation (in Clinic, Zoom or over the phone) to really drill down on what’s stressing you out – Click here
  2. Eating the right foods for your body can help relieve stress – Click here
  3. Grab a copy of my Rebuild Your Life Journal for 5 simple daily journal prompts to ground you and get those habits and routines down pat – it’s your daily reset button – Click here
  4. Not sure what you need?  Book in for a 20 minute FREE discovery call chat with me – Click here
  5. Sign up for my Newsletter for more tips – Click here

With your health in mind,

Catherine x

If you're looking for more energy, better mood, and motivation to reboot your health, I'll show you how. I love working with motivated women like you, women struggling with fatigue, moods, hormones and staying on track with everything that makes us women. I listen, investigate and then work with you step-by-step to get your energy and health back on track so you can be busy, focused and energetic. As a Naturopath, Herbalist, Certified Consistent Habits Coach and Clinical Aromatherapist I can help you to Reboot Your Energy and Rebuild Your Life.

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